Occupational Certificate: Safety, Health And Quality Practitioner (occupational Health And Safety Practitioner)
The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as an Occupational Health and Safety Practitioner.
An Occupational Health and Safety Practitioners serve as a facilitator and advisor to employees and management regarding safety and health aspects in the workplace including the monitoring and inspecting of the workplace and the recording and investigation of incidents and accidents. They also implement and maintain Occupational Health and Safety systems in order to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.
This qualification is aimed at building the competence levels of this cadre of employees. The qualification also covers the work that will be done by the legislated Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) representatives. This qualification meets a critical need in the industry. It is aligned with the National Development Strategy and it will enable employees from the different technical work areas to embark on a career path in Occupational Health and Safety Management. All organisations in South Africa require the services of at least one Occupational Health and Safety Practitioner. The training for this cadre of employees is currently fragmented and done through a series of short courses. This qualification will standardise the training and will enhance the levels of compliance in this area.